
Showing posts from March, 2022

Contemporary Literacies Spring 2022 Is Higher Education Worth The Price?

  McKayla Dudley Dr. Michelle Rosen Contemporary Literacies Spring 2022 3/8/2022                                                            Is Higher Education Worth The Price?   McKayla Dudley   Dr. Michelle Rosen   Contemporary Literacies Spring 2022   3/8 /2022                                              Is Higher Education Worth The Price?     Many people in college have asked themselves this question before if college was worth it? The answer to that is yes, college is worth it because obtaining a degree can provide better opportunities for you in the future. . The decision on to whether to attend college, pick a major and stick with it is the most controversial financial decisions most young people make, but there are many benefits as to why a higher education in college is worth it in the long run. With a bachelor's degree or anything higher can guarantee better chances of employment, especially in your desired career path, plus college graduates generally make more money