Literacy History Assignment

 McKayla Dudley                                                                                      

Professor Michelle Rosen 





                       My name is McKayla Dudley, and I was born on April 1st, 2002, in Queens, New York. I am currently 20 years old and still living with my mother. Business is something I am interested in so in college, I am taking business classes and hope to get into hotel management.  

A little bit about my family, I am in a family of 3, I have an older brother who is 24 years old, and my mom is 47 years old. She has lupus and has overcome many obstacles regarding that. About my dad, he is very active in my life but since he moved down to Georgia, we don’t keep in much contact. Both of my parents are separated but have agreed to co-parent until I reach a certain age. I chose to take this class because I've always been interested in how other people live their lives verses my own. 



Growing up, I spent most of my childhood being around other family members that weren’t fluent in education, so for school assignments I wouldn’t be able to complete them and received bad grades and that resulted in me getting left behind to repeat 2nd grade again. During the summer of that year, I refused to live with other family members and decided to stay home with my mom since she started working from home. Of course, it was hard for me to pronounce certain words or read a complete sentence and at first, I did develop a stammering issue but as I kept progressing, things started to become easier for me. Once the school year started, I got introduced to a Language Arts teacher named Ms. Morris and she helped me when it came to reading in writing, she would always let me read things aloud and be the spokesperson when it comes to different academic activities. I have a mixture of how it encouraged me or discouraged me. She helped me but, in many ways, I felt like in a way she felt threatened by me. She would also refer to me as almost as her daughter and compare me and her together.  Now me, I was a child and still learning about life so I would always despise that, because it made me feel like I’m competing with her daughter 


That situation has changed me in a positive way and literacy now is something that I always try to improve, for example, when it comes to my writing, I try to use words that aren't commonly used to make my essay better.  I continue to use literacy in my own personal life by watching different types of movies, mostly indie films because I feel like independent stories are more impactful and unique. My mom continues to sponsor my literacy, she loves to read my essays especially when they involve her. My essay from high school won an award because I was explaining my experiences with homelessness at a young age and how that situation shaped me to pursue my passion to help others in shelters or in need of financial support.  


  1. Hi, McKayla!
    Thank you for sharing your experience with us. It is amazing to read about your improvements and wanting to expand on your literacy skills. You completed the assignment requirements well. To make your blog a bit more personal, feel free to add a wall paper, profile picture, etc. Hope you have an amazing semester!



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