Contemporary Literacies 2022 Is Pop Culture Good For You?

 McKayla Dudley

LTED2051817 Contemporary Literacies 2022


                                                        Pop Culture Part 3 

                                                Is Pop Culture Good For You?

Pop Culture is surrounded by everyone in this society. From watching TV, movies or magazines and social media. Pop culture has had a great impact on people, it's very trending because it has opened up different businesses and made people money. However, pop culture does have a negative side to it, it has expose people of all ages to violence, drugs and sex on social media. Its main issue is how modern Tv enlightens the audience and how the use of social media when it comes to political movements such as BLM or injustice all over the world. Of course, it's something that we can't censor so we have to accept it. Pop culture is another thing we have to learn in life, it can have young kids learn about what's happening in the world or have them come up with creative ideas, so yes, pop culture is good for you. 

Pop culture has different meanings, it can be distinguished from folks and high culture. Folk culture is very similar to pop culture because of the mass participation involved. However, folk culture represents the traditional way of doing things. It represents a simpler lifestyle, in short, it offers stability, whereas pop culture looks for something fresh and new. Most of folk culture doesn't have anything to do with social media such as Turkish rugs, Mexican blankets and Irish fairy talks. It’s safe to say that folk culture is old-fashioned.


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