Contemporary Literacies Spring 2022| Is Fast Food the New Tobacco?


Is Fast Food the New Tobacco? Should the obesity issue be government regulated or remain personal responsibility? 

McKayla Dudley

    Contemporary Literacies Spring 2022 

     Dr. Michelle Rosen


Obesity has become an increasing public health problem in the United States. As Americans, there is no shortage of restaurants where a person can get themselves a quick and inexpensive meal, even with the price rates going up, it doesn't stop people from buying what they want. Children has became greatly affected by this too, especially in public schools where they give processed food and sugary drinks. Media definitely plays a role in ingraining certain images into the minds of people, mainly when it comes to food. While fast foods are easy to access, people tend to undermine the consequences associated with it. So, yes, fast food is the new tobacco.

Now, I do not think that the government should be held responsible, this has been in ongoing issue and I feel the government has done all they can. Obesity is not only caused by eating fast food and drinks, sometimes it can be influenced by ethnic/racial factors, different cultures have different eating habits, so Obesity in that category is common. The food industry encourages individuals to consume fast foods given the many advertisements found in televisions. It is almost the same as smoking commercials, starting today, eating processed food and fast foods may kill people more prematurely than cigarettes. Although it is not good for us in any way, this further proves that junk food is the new tobacco and we must accept it.


  1. Hi.
    Nice response. There are not any pictures or videos that relate to your response and there are also several grammar mistakes, which we take seriously for that fact that this is a literacy course. You should also be citing from your resources as the assignment requirement states.


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