LTED2051817 Contemporary Literacies Spring 2022 | The Other Wes Moore Part II |

McKayla Dudley TED2051817 Contemporary Literacies Spring 2022 4/13/2022

The Other Wes Moore

The author explains that the Other Wes Moore's life is different because he made different decisions when it came to life choices the book concludes with Moore reflecting on what made the difference in his life. He decides that the difference was being surrounded by a community of people who encouraged him along the way. 

 Yes, I have made a decision that has altered my life path. Back when I was in eighth grade and wanted to do a vocals class because I believed that it would help me with my confidence but unfortunately, my audition didn’t make it through, so I decided to try out a theater class and I believed that I did poorly because I couldn’t remember my lines or knew enough information about the script I had but I still made it in the class. As the years went on, I became more confident in myself, spoke up for myself, and made tons of friends along the way. I do think back and wonder if I would've been as confident in myself as I am today if I made it into the vocal class, but I remind myself that everyone that was in the vocal class was already familiar with each other and I came to high school by myself and did not know anyone. The difference I think the two classes would have is being put on the spot by random concepts, plenty of times in theater class, my teacher would randomly call out my name and I would have to recite something that I remember by heart, it can be a line from a play, movie or song but the trick is we would have to include emotions to whatever we are reciting from. It sounds challenging but many years down the line, it has helped me to be prepared for anything and be sure to have more confidence in myself, especially on social media. There are influencers all over social media that take pictures for likes and comments but I post many pictures on Instagram and I hardly keep count of the likes that my pictures get. It's more of an entertainment experience for me. Moreover, for the vocals aspect, I do have a voice, and at the beginning of my second job, they required me to sing a little and with the skills I learned from theater class, I was able to express myself vocally which I strongly feel I wouldn't be able to do if I joined the vocal class. However, I haven't done many vocal practices so now my voice begins to crack when I sing or I begin to sing offkey. It does disappoint me because growing up, I used to sing in churches but since the pandemic started and currently, I haven't been to church and I hardly sing at work because I don't have the time and since we have plenty of coupons and deals going on, we have a lot of costumers to deal with and although it was said in the application, a lot of my co-workers don't want to sing or dance because they may feel embarrassed. Going back to the question, I have made choices that alerted my life path but the main one would have to be making a major choice as I was transitioning from eighth grade to high school.


  1. im so glad you chose something int he arts to help with your confidence! I'm also in the arts and I've seen so many people including myself change the way they carry themselves because of how helpful the arts can be with gaining confidence in yourself

  2. I love hearing about people in the arts, as I am in the arts as well. Being in the arts has definitely boosted my self confidence as well. It sounds like you really love what you do and never give up!

  3. I noticed when I was lacking confidence, whether it was how I sounded when I sang, looked, spoke, etc... I noticed I was comparing myself to others at that time, and was constantly thinking about what others thought of me. When I would live for myself without the expectations of others, I felt better and more confident, and I didn't second guess myself. We were never meant to please others with the things we do in life. Doing what makes us happy is what matters most because it's us living in this experience, not the outside world. When it comes to the book about Wes Moore, the expectations of others helped him get away from the lifestyle that could have placed him in prison. That's because Moore, at that time, didn't see more for himself since he was satisfied with his behavior and actions.

  4. I believe that theater can assist a lot of individuals start speaking up and becoming themselves, as well as learn to express themselves without being condemned, therefore I'm glad you picked the arts.


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