LTED2051817 Contemporary Literacies Spring 2022 | Assignment 3|

McKayla Dudley  


LTED2051817 Contemporary Literacies Spring 2022  









                                                  The Other Wes Moore  


On page 100, Wes needed to tell his mother that he got Alicia pregnant and at first, he did not tell anyone for a while, which made him anxious. Eventually, he tells his brother but does not feel bad or anything because women around their age have children and aren't worried about their future just like he is. The reaction his mom had was surprising, she didn’t scream or yell, she just dropped the knife and asked who wanted some cake 


Yes, I have. It is a bit of a funny story. On March 6, 2022, it was my mother’s birthday and since she is not caught up with technology just yet, everything would go through me, for example, if she needed to transfer money to different accounts, she would ask me to help her or most of times, do it for her. So, it is her birthday and other family members wanted to plan a major surprise for her, but she was working that day, so I decided to hang out with my friend at the mall. Now, I was not a good saver, and I had a job that was not paying me very well, so I am spending time together with my friend, and I get a text saying “____sent you $100 through cash app.” At first, I was confused but then my aunt texted me saying “Give this to mommy for her birthday.” So, I transferred the money into my account and decided to go shopping with my friend, there were some shoes that I always wanted so I decided to get them. In my mind, I am thinking that I am spending the money I have in my account already but, I was spending my mother’s money, and what makes matters worse was that I received another text saying, “_______sent $300.” That is when I started to turn greedy because, at an early age, I never had money over $500. I was always with $50 to $100, so my friend and I went on a shopping spree. After the day ended, I came back home and my mother was already waiting at the house, so since I spent most of her money, I decided to buy her some perfume and a few clothes and although she appreciated it, she says to me, "Your aunt sent some you some money for me." I did send her the $300 but I did spend the $100 that my other aunt sent me. She figured it out because I was carrying a lot of bags, so she says to me, " you spent the $100, right?" I just nodded and smiled. See, my mother rarely gets mad so that is why I was cool with it. But her response was," I was going to pay the rent with that money, but I guess it'll wait." That is when I started to feel bad because she does tend to overwork to pay bills and I did not even think about that, so to be fair, I just told her when I get my next paycheck, she can have it all. And we both agreed on that and moved on. 


  1. I can see how having money could be a temptation for you. It's not easy having money and not being able to spend it. I'm glad you rectified the situation and decided to give your Mom your check.

  2. I feel like I would be tempted to do the same. Glad it worked out for u

  3. I mean I am glad you told your mother and didn't lie when she asked you about the money being wasted. I believe Wes's mother was shocked of the news but the deed was done so they don't want to break that relationship and its exactly with your mom. It is upsetting to see how they have a reaction but just does not react the way you expect because it's upset you. I am glad it worked out but at the end you feel guilty.

  4. McKayla,
    Great story and example of bad news. As a suggestion, elaborate on the ending and how you felt. Make sure to revise for clarity.

  5. I'm glad you realized your mistake, but everyone makes them. I'm simply glad your mother wasn't angry with you since, in the end, she just wanted you to be happy and learn from the experience.


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