
LTED2051817 Contemporary Literacies Spring 2022 | The Other Wes Moore Part III |

  McKayla Dudley   LTED2051817 Contemporary Literacies Spring 2022   4/25/2022     McKayla Dudley   LTED2051817 Contemporary Literacies Spring 2022   4/25/2022       The Other Wes Moore     In the author’s epilogue, he explained that things have not been perfect for him for years since the book’s story ended. He searched for ways to fill the hole in his heart since he grew up without a father in the home, in places where he probably shouldn’t. The author is aware that he made some tremendous mistakes along the way, but he is very grateful to have had the freedom to redeem himself and made a point to mention, “ When we’re young, it sometimes seems as if the world doesn’t exist outside our city, our block, our house, our room. We make decisions based on what we see in that limited world and follow the only models available.” I agree with this statement because our childhood gives us our baseline values and beliefs, these are the

LTED2051817 Contemporary Literacies Spring 2022 | Assignment 3|

McKayla Dudley       LTED2051817 Contemporary Literacies Spring 2022       4/18/2022                                                                                               The Other Wes Moore       On page 100, Wes needed to tell his mother that he got Alicia pregnant and at first, he did not tell anyone for a while, which made him anxious. Eventually, he tells his brother but does not feel bad or anything because women around their age have children and aren't worried about their future just like he is. The reaction his mom had was surprising, she didn’t scream or yell, she just dropped the knife and asked who wanted some cake .        Yes, I have. It is a bit of a funny story. On March 6, 2022, it was my mother’s birthday and since she is not caught up with technology just yet, everything would go through me, for example, if she needed to transfer money to different accounts, she would ask me to help her or most of times, do it for her. So, it is her birthday and ot

LTED2051817 Contemporary Literacies Spring 2022 | The Other Wes Moore Part II |

McKayla Dudley TED2051817 Contemporary Literacies Spring 2022 4/13/2022 The Other Wes Moore The author explains that the Other Wes Moore's life is different because he made different decisions when it came to life choices the book concludes with Moore reflecting on what made the difference in his life. He decides that the difference was being surrounded by a community of people who encouraged him along the way.     Yes, I have made a decision that has altered my life path. Back when I was in eighth grade and wanted to do a vocals class because I believed that it would help me with my confidence but unfortunately, my audition didn’t make it through, so I decided to try out a theater class and I believed that I did poorly because I couldn’t remember my lines or knew enough information about the script I had but I still made it in the class. As the years went on, I became more confident in myself, spoke up

Are We Products Of Our Environment Or Products Of Our Expectations?

 McKayla Dudley  LTED2051817 Contemporary Literacies Spring   4/6/2022                      Are We Products of Our Environment or Products of Our Expectations?  I do believe that we are the products of our environment but more so, it's almost like we're victims of it too. Of course, not all of us are victims but those that can say that there are no rules that say being a product of your environment must be bad or negative. While the expectations society lays on us may influence our choices, we are ultimately still in charge of our actions. For example, if society wants us to get a car, we'll get a car, if we want a house, we'll get a house. Instead, we can say that we are the products of our actions, however, the same thing can be true with expectations, it doesn't matter if it's good or bad, we become subject to expectations placed on us. In personal experience, when it came time to start applying for colleges, everyone including my friends was telling me to go

Contemporary Literacies Spring 2022 Is Higher Education Worth The Price?

  McKayla Dudley Dr. Michelle Rosen Contemporary Literacies Spring 2022 3/8/2022                                                            Is Higher Education Worth The Price?   McKayla Dudley   Dr. Michelle Rosen   Contemporary Literacies Spring 2022   3/8 /2022                                              Is Higher Education Worth The Price?     Many people in college have asked themselves this question before if college was worth it? The answer to that is yes, college is worth it because obtaining a degree can provide better opportunities for you in the future. . The decision on to whether to attend college, pick a major and stick with it is the most controversial financial decisions most young people make, but there are many benefits as to why a higher education in college is worth it in the long run. With a bachelor's degree or anything higher can guarantee better chances of employment, especially in your desired career path, plus college graduates generally make more money